We are a Curated Global Community of Management Consulting Professionals and Alumni

20k+ members

Exclusive events, insights, and get-togethers

5k+ career opportunities

No commissions or hiring fees

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Member Benefits

Our mission is to enable management consulting professionals and alumni globally to thrive and realize their full potential

Access to Opportunities Database

At any given moment, you can browse, search, and apply to 1k+ career opportunities at all seniority levels that target professionals with a management consulting background (across all industries).

Personalized Opportunity Alerts

Tell us what kinds of opportunities you are interested in (e.g. in terms of role, geography, industry), and receive from us a tailored weekly career intelligence report with job roles that meet your interests.

Placement Support

Tell us which organizations you are interested in, and we will pro-actively float your profile with hiring managers and recruiters we know in these organizations (whether or not there are currently any open positions advertised).

Directory Listing

You can choose to hide your profile, to make it accessible to other members, or to make it visible to the broader public. This will facilitate networking with other Navital members, and will help hiring managers as well as potential clients find you for potential opportunities.

Why navital

Our Community is Our #1 Priority

Everything on Navital Global is designed to maximize opportunity for our community members.

No commissions

We don’t charge any hiring fees or commissions for facilitating career opportunities. We believe all economic upside for jobs or freelance projects should be captured by the consultant, not an intermediary platform.


You are in full control of your profile visibility. You can choose to hide your profile fully, make it visible to potential employers and clients only, or to even make it accessible to the broader public / non-Navital members. When someone gets in touch with you, you are in full control of the relationship and there are no hidden fees.

Unrivalled Opportunities

You can add preferences and interests to your profile to make it easier for other community members or potential employers to connect with you.

Who is on Navital Global today?

5k+ Management Consultants and Alumni have joined the Navital Global Community to advance their careers, build global relationships, and network with peers

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how to join

Joining Navital is simple and fast

Create your consultant profile in less than 2 minutes

The Navital Global team reviews and approves your profiles as per our community guidelines

You are now a member of the Navital Global Community and can enjoy its full benefits!


Basic Account

Receive periodical consolidated E-Mail alerts for full-time job opportunities from our global network.

Professional Account

$ 15 USD / Month
Receive periodical consolidated E-Mail alerts for full-time job opportunities from our global network.

When you sign-up for a Professional account, we work with you to ensure that you have a detailed profile that showcases your strengths in the best possible way to maximize the probability of being discovered by potential clients.

Only members with a "Professional" account will be listed in the "Curated Directory". Clients prefer searching the Curated Directory, because it makes it much easier to find relevant candidates and because Professional members are more likely to be responsive when contacted for opportunities.

Each month, we share with our global network a list of all consultants who will have availability in the next 1-3 months, which is browsable on our platform for logged-in users. 

The objective is to help consultants reduce downtime between projects by proactively communicating prospective availabilites with potential clients, so they can get in touch for immediate or expected project opportunities.

As a Professional member, you yourself will have access to all our membership directories. You will be able to browse their profiles and message them directly. You can use your access to the directory to network, hire for your own projects, or to explore collaboration opportunities (e.g., for proposals or otherwise). 

Your profile will be made publicly accessible and will be indexed on Google (optional). Your bio, employment history, project experience, availability information, as well other information you provided will be made accessible on that link.

You can use that link as your e-mail signature, on profiles you have with other platforms, or with your current / former clients. That way, they will always have access to your up to date availability information.

Single Opportunity Post

$ 99 USD / Post
Post a single opportunity (for full-time roles or freelance projects) to all Navital members (no commissions or hiring fees upon success)

Single Job Slot

$ 999 USD / Year
Unlimited opportunity posts (for full-time roles or freelance projects) to all Navital members (no commissions or hiring fees), one at a time

Join the Navital Global community now and start developing relationships with peers globally!

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