We provide employers with Unrivalled Hiring Solutions for management consulting talent

Curated community of 20k+ members

No commissions or hiring fees

Talent alerts and Availability updates

Freelance & full-time roles

Learn More Sign Up

Our Value Proposition to Employers

We are the premier hiring solutions provider for management consulting talent globally (current and former)

Talent Directory

You can access, browse and engage with our full membership pool (full-time professionals and freelancers) as per their privacy settings. You can filter using powerful search tools (e.g., incl. hiring preferences and areas of expertise).

Job Slot

You can post full-time jobs or freelance consulting opportunities to our curated pool of management consultants. Applications can be routed to your e-mail, your own ATS, or can be handled on Navital’s own ATS.

Talent Alerts

When a member signs-up or becomes available who is interested in your organization, or who meets criteria that you set (e.g., a life sciences consultant with experience at a top tier firm), with their permission we will send you an alert so you can initiate a discussion.

Availability Update

Each month, we send you an update with an overview of independent consulting professionals who have availability for freelance consulting work that month, along with a detailed profile showcasing their consulting experience. You can engage and contract with them directly with no need for a middle man.

Why navital

What makes Navital Global distinctive?

We provide organizations and consultants with the best of all worlds!

Maximum Reach

Our fast growing global community is focused exclusively on current and former management consultants. Our hiring solutions help you reach this audience in the most effective way.

Minimum Friction

We don’t limit how you engage with the talent on our platform (e.g., no hiring fees, no non-circumvention clauses, no lock-up period), as long as the interactions meet our terms of use.

Zero hiring fees

For approved employers or community members, there are no commissions or fees of any nature to post opportunities or browse our membership network.

Curated Global Top Tier Talent

Navital Global members are carefully curated before they are admitted to the community.

how to join

Joining Navital is simple and fast

Create your employer profile in less than 2 minutes

The Navital Global team reviews and approves your profiles as per our community guidelines

You are now a member of our Navital Global community! You now can:

  • Browse our consultant directory
  • Post opportunities for full-time jobs / freelance consulting projects
  • Receive regular talent alerts and availability updates


Browse Candidate Directory

  • Browse our curated directory of independents consultants.
  • Receive availability update for independent consultants.
  • Message independent consultants in our network.
  • Single Opportunity Post

    $ 99 USD / Post
    Post a single opportunity (for full-time roles or freelance projects) to all Navital members (no commissions or hiring fees upon success).

    Single Job Slot

    $ 999 USD / Year
    Unlimited opportunity posts (for full-time roles or freelance projects) to all Navital members (no commissions or hiring fees), one at a time.


    Let's talk
    Interested in more than one job slot, or in custom services? Please reach out to us here to discuss how we can help.

    Start hiring on Navital Global now by setting up a free account!

    Sign Up